05 January 2012

Would you take a photo on the Kjeragbolten?

Kjeragbolten (meaning "Kjerag Boulder" / "Kjerag Bolt") is a 5 m³ boulder wedged in a mountain crevasse by the edge of the Kjerag mountain in Norway. It has been wedged there for years.

It is possible to walk onto the rock without any equipment, but there is a direct 241m drop below and then another tumble of 735m down to Lysefjorden, so to walk onto it requires good nerves and steady feet.

Although the boulder itself is in no apparent danger of being dislodged, should the wind pick up or hikers lose their footing they face a drop of 1,000 metres from the cliff face.

This is what you'd see if you were standing on the boulder and look down:

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