11 January 2012

British Major's POW message of defiance against Hitler

Major Alexis Casdagli was a British soldier during World War II.

He was captured at the battle of Crete and marched up Greece for six weeks before being flown to north Germany.

He was a POW in 4 camps for 4 years, between June 1941 and April 1945.

During his time in a camp in Dossel-Warbung he stitched the following tapestry, using red and blue thread taken from a disintegrating pullover belonging to an elderly Greek general.

Done in Morse Code, the inner border reads "God Save The King" while the other border reads "F*** Hitler".

Amazingly, his Nazi captors never found this out, and instead unwittingly displayed this needlework in all the 4 camps where he was held captive, and the Germans even asked him to giving stitching classes to his fellow officers.

If he was found out, he could've been killed.

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